Spiritual Meanings Of Being Trapped And Trying To Escape In A Dream

Having a dream about being trapped or confined can be horrifying and it can make you feel there is no place to run to regardless of what you do.

These dreams mostly happen as a result of unmanageable feelings you might be going through or you might probably be feeling lost or unavailable as far as emotions are concerned.

When you experience a bad dream which can be described as a nightmare, it may be a sign of a bad thing about to occur or may have occurred already.

In this article, we present to you in detail what being trapped in a dream means and the spiritual implications associated with it.

What Does Being Trapped In A Dream Mean?

Being confined in a dream can be very clear and real and will make you wake up in fear. This occurs usually because your subconsciousness is making its way into getting your mind on it.

Perhaps, in reality, you are currently imprisoned and a dream must bring your attention to it instead of staying away from it. The motive as it is supposed to be is to reveal the root cause of the issue but using different signs.

For example, it is important to think about the location or things around you in the dream. When you see yourself confined underwater, the matter may be linked to changing emotions, feelings of loss etc.

Conversely, if you are trapped in a dark place and can’t find a place of escape it suggests that are unstable mentally which could be a result of the unconscious mind’s behaviours, and drives that are beyond comprehension.

The Spiritual Meaning Of Being Trapped

Basically, you might be frustrated in life and that may be reflected in your dream. The frustrations can come from your career, workplace or a person which you may be connected to romantically.

You may feel there is no way out and you don’t have options in your condition or whatever challenge you are going through.

 A recurrence of the ‘bad’ dream where you’re trapped could be the fact that your old habits and behaviours persist which is doing your life a disservice.

This can be a message or caution telling you to change your ways and think outside the box you’ve been trapped in. It shows vividly that it is time you explore new ways to deal with your problems and overcome them.

It is telling you to drop all the negative energies and vibes off you adopt a more positive approach to things and stay truthful to your own values in life.

Sometimes, an interpretation of being trapped in your dream could mean a time for you to re-examine your relations with others and see if there might be people you may have offended one way or the other.

Keys for you to better understand what you may be going through so to figure out what to do are detailed below;

Job Dissatisfaction

Being trapped in your dream could be an indication of being dissatisfied with your job.

In this case, you may be feeling reluctant to go to work or participate in new projects or assignments by the company you work for. You may be bored of your career too and feelings of frustration can set in.

However, your dream may not be linked to your job in any way but it implies that the root cause of your frustration is your inherent sadness in your career.

So an unfulfilled professional life can show itself in a dream about being snared.

Fear Of Losing Control

If you dream of being confined and making attempts to get out of it, it implies that you find yourself in a condition that makes you feel you have no power or control to make changes.

If you dreamt that you were trapped in a building on fire and trying to escape, it could imply that you are in a controlling relationship. If it is a car you can’t get out of in your dream, it could mean you have no control of your finances and you are bankrupt.

The feeling of lack of control can be borne out of a vacuum in your life as you feel someone is missing in your life so it is imperative you learn how to let go of being dominant in everything and trying to control everything.

Unhealthy Relationships

When you see yourself trapped in a dream you are trying to get out of, subliminally, your mind is talking to you that perhaps there is an unhealthy relationship you should get out of immediately to save yourself.

It can also be sparked by feeling snared in your head however, basically, if you see yourself trapped in a room in your dreams you may be in a toxic relationship or there is a toxic person in your life.

Bottled Up Emotions

Being trapped in your dream is an indicator that your memories keep recurring.

You find yourself in a place mentally or physically that brings back memories you don’t want to have and it taunts you every time it shows up.

Let’s just say you may be in a stressful condition at your workplace, your dream is causing you to exhibit negative suppressed emotions that are making you exhausted.

You Don’t Take Care Of Yourself

If you find yourself imprisoned or captive in a place where you can’t see a way out, then you may be overly forgetful of your wellness.

You may be so occupied with work and other things rather than yourself. You may be so inundated with many responsibilities and taking care of others so much that you don’t take care of yourself enough.

You Get Yourself Involved In Things You Don’t Really Want

Sometimes, committing to things you don’t like will significantly trap you and it will reflect in your dream to give you a sign.

In this instance, you want to understand the purpose of doing the things that don’t bring you fulfillment. We can find a way to end your commitments.