It is very normal for you to consider the perception of others in our actions and the decisions we make because we are humans and we live in a human setting.
No man is an island and due to this we often want to ensure we play safe for harmonious living.
Sometimes, we are afraid to get a certain response such as ‘no’ from people or the fact that we will be judged for acting in a particular way.
With this, it is obvious that one can limit his or her potential if he wants to please others. We are not fully able to reach our potential and live our purpose because of fear of judgment.
So this brings us to the question of how you know are scared of what others think about you. This article brings to the fore some signs so read further.
You Can’t Be Honest
Have you found yourself in situations where your truthfulness or honesty could make you lose a job, friend, or money?
Truth is sacred but as humans as we are, we don’t come to terms with reality and people rather tend to believe in lies than truth because truth hurts most of the time.
Anytime you cannot say it as it is especially when it is your truth, then you are definitely scared of what others think but after keeping the truth within you, are you happy?
If your answer is no then you are afraid of other’s view of you. It is said that anytime you cannot express your truth, your body’s natural self-healing systems are weakened by a stress response that endangers your body.
Your soul trembles and the pain and regret stay with you for a long time until you spill it out.
You Change Your Countenance In Public
If you morph or alter your personality or outward expression to blend in public or society then you are scared of what others think.
The interesting thing is that because you are not showing off your true self and subtly disguising yourself just so you are accepted, you will lose authenticity and might not be able to keep up with it.
You will lose comfort whilst not being yourself and it is the price you will pay for depicting something you are not.
You Stay Away From Social Scenes
When people are overly afraid, they tend to keep themselves not socializing enough because of fear of stepping on toes here or there.
Most people will withdraw themselves from various social situations although some of them love to be in some kind of association. Some guys will fret about socializing in a group because they think they will be rejected by girls.
You Strive For Perfection
Sometimes, when some people are worried about what others think of them, they now start working on being perfect almost every time. It is only when you are afraid you want to be perfect or strive for perfection.
The reason why you want to be perfect is so as not to be criticized and rejected but appreciated and loved.
You Don’t Want To Stand Out
While others strive for perfection just to please others, some may rather not show brightness wherever they are but blend in.
Some people will choose to hide their success and not make noise about it because they don’t want to come across to people as proud or boastful.
They prefer celebrating their success and achievements within their space so others will not become jealous of them and that is clearly an indicator that they are mindful of what others think.
You Don’t Set Boundaries
People who worry too much about what others think before doing anything for themselves don’t set boundaries for themselves.
You should understand that your life is not a playing field for just everyone to get on and play around. You should set some principles for yourself that ward off some people who will not take advantage of you.
You Play The Victim Card
When you are concerned by what others will say about you, you tend to play the victim card so as to get public sympathy.
You want people to be on your side as you share your experiences with the world for people to know what you are going through and how it feels to be in their situation.
You Become A People Pleaser
People do a lot just to be in the good books of others. Pleasing people unnecessarily is tedious work because you don’t know when to end it all for fear of being inconsistent.
Have you thought about pleasing yourself first?
People pleasers are not able to make or take their own decisions as their actions are influenced by others and it is a very awful position to be in.
It is imperative to note that you can’t satisfy everybody and make everybody happy. Even with all that you do and your remarkable excellence, some people will not still appreciate your efforts so why don’t you focus on yourself?
You Play It Safe
Fear of what others think will cause you to play safe. You are scared of how bad people will treat you when you offend them.
You are scared of taking risks or making giant moves for yourself so you are mostly sad within you and imprisoned in your world and space.
In general, being concerned about what others think or the perception of others about you puts you in a position of inferiority. An inferiority complex is a demeanour you don’t want to display rather wear the cap of competitiveness and strive for gold.
How you feel should not be influenced by others. You should be confident in yourself know who you are and do what makes you happy always because you come first before anything else.