How To Stop Making The Same Mistakes Over And Over How To Stop Making The Same Mistakes Over And Over

How To Stop Making The Same Mistakes Over And Over

Often, we think it is the end for you after you see yourself committing an error over and over again, however, interestingly, what we don’t know is the voices we keep hearing that put us in fear and regret.

It is not abnormal to err or make a mistake several times because we are imperfect as humans.

Making critical choices is not easy most of the time and one ‘bad’ decision can cost you so much that you begin to look down on yourself and slip into depression and regret.

In this article, we break down the tips on how to overcome the urge for the wrong things at probably the right time of your life whilst accepting the fact that failures is part of us but what you learn from it and how you can turn it around for your good.

Admit Your Mistakes And Errors

Acknowledging your errors and failures is the foremost thing in avoiding the repetition of it.

If you fail to admit your failures and run from them, it becomes your loss because you deprive your self of learning from them and becoming better.

When you acknowledge your wrongs, you can evaluate and analyze what happened and do it in the right or favorable way the next time.

Bear in mind that it is normal for one to make errors and it is a setback just for a moment.

After a loss resulting from your mistake, consider your loved ones. Also, know that the people you look up to also made serious damning mistakes to get to where they are today.

Accept That Errors Are A Part Of Life

A mistake made by you can be useful to you one day. These mistakes although they may seem damaging to you may become a powerful tool that can be recycled for your benefit in the future.

Instead of giving up and beating yourself, take your mind off feelings of disappointment and failure and concentrate on a more logical approach that can help you learn the right lesson.

Identify What You Are Doing Right

Whilst you are committing some dreadful mistakes, you are also doing something right and you must credit yourself for it instead of condemning yourself which does not put you in sadness.

 Don’t concentrate on the negatives as it is anti-productive. Giving yourself credit and appreciating your little efforts can start with creating a list of your successes and things you have been able to achieve.

Pen down some traits and qualities of yourself that you value greatly.

Overcome The Urge For Perfection

If you want to avoid mistakes, you must also fight perfectionism. The fact that you are bringing down that urge for perfectionism does not mean you will not be critical of yourself.

You evaluate your strengths and weaknesses more realistically and are a bit soft on yourself because that means you are not pushing yourself under pressure.

You have a conversation with yourself like you talk to you’re a good friend of yours.

Equip Yourself With Tools To Avoid Making The Same Mistakes Repeatedly

Put yourself in a place where you are well-resourced to succeed. Success does not come by just being passive or doing nothing significant.

Tackle your challenges with a realistic point of view and make moves or take actions that will prevent old patterns from happening again.

If for instance, you miss the due date of bills persistently, create a big, visual reminder ahead of time.

If your mistake brought pain to someone or upset someone else, you are expected to show him or her you have learned from your mistakes and are doing everything within your means to change or curb that in the future.

Recognize The Behaviours That Lead To Those Mistakes

If the outcome of something you were involved in landed in futility, there are probably or certainly certain behaviours you demonstrated that may have caused that.

Perhaps, you are not seeing that traits and habits of yours that may have played a role in your loss and you should be interested in knowing what you were doing wrong.

You can also start by considering if your emotions and motivations also played a role and see how much you can gather.

Set Standards For Your Behaviour

Whilst setting high standards or expectations for yourself, it is also ideal and advisable to set realistic standards for yourself so that your expectations are not so high to put you under pressure.

It is good to be accountable to standards or goals you can attain without losing other aspects of your own life.

It is better to win more to boost your confidence and self-esteem and cultivate good habits to achieve greater ones.

If you have an activity to perform, for instance, you can devote ten minutes to your personal practice instead of procrastinating it.

Get Yourself A Partner In Self-improvement

A partner who will make you accountable for self-improvement purposes is very vital in some cases.

There should be someone who checks on you and assists you in staying motivated and sticking to your goals therefore that choice of a person should be made with tact.

Ideally, someone who is not very close, or a stranger can help you do well for example at a gym when you have made fitness a priority.

Sometimes, your lover or romantic partner can help must most of the time, it rather tends to be a distraction. You should also go in for someone you can trust and be comfortable around.