8 Things Doctors Would Never, Ever Do When It’s Hot Outside

Almost every year, it is always the same scenario with the weather, and July 3, 2023, was touted as the day with the hottest temperature […]

September 8, 2024
4 min read

Almost every year, it is always the same scenario with the weather, and July 3, 2023, was touted as the day with the hottest temperature ever to have been recorded on Earth.

The global temperature was 62.6 F.

The average temperature of the planet will see an exponential increase in the coming years. Note that summer is in motion it will get hotter, particularly for areas in the Northern Hemisphere.

On average, the summer temperature in some Southern States climaxed mid-80s, and days having 100 degrees Fahrenheit or more warm temperatures are very prevalent.

Burning heat waves have become a rampant phenomenon in the summer across the United States. Temperatures have been rising, actually ambushing or snaring people and confining them in air-conditioned rooms or spaces.

However, since summer is a season to spend good time outside it is a very stressful venture to stay under the hot sun the entire day.

A lot of people step out to enjoy the natural weather and air but they return to their homes with sunburns and other health-related complications due to their failure to adopt effective measures and circumspections.

Sun and heat-related issues are part of the very recurring harm done to people during the summer.

Per a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than a hundred people in the United States lose their lives annually due to excessive and burning heat.

Intense heat can cause dehydration and inflammation of the skin, however, they can be avoided according to Dr Bonnie Simmons, a health expert in Brooklyn, New York.

Some habits that will put your health at risk are doing workouts and training outside and overly exposing your skin to the sun.

Also consuming alcohol without eating and taking in a considerable amount of water may lead to some severe health issues as dehydration can cause them.

Not Wearing Sunscreen On The Body

A vital thing to do is to always safeguard your skin from the fiery sun and to make that possible apply sunscreen, especially for the parts that will be exposed to the body.

Going Shirtless Or Removing Your Shirt

It would appear very refreshing and priceless to embark on a bicycle ride with your shirt taken off and sit by the swimming pool or even at the shore of the beach enjoying some cool breeze whilst the sun is scorching but it would affect your skin.

Getting Your Clothes Dried Out

Putting on wet dresses can be very harmful to your health, especially during the winter but could be more exciting and helpful in the summer.

If you are hiking in a certain area, you would want to soak your shirt in a river to make it wet. Shirts made of cotton are very ideal for containing moisture thus making you feel cool for a long time.

Not Getting Yourself Hydrated With Water Well

This may seem easy. Make sure to consume much water however, a lot of people don’t and they end up having issues with it.

Consuming Caffeinated Beverages Instead Of Water

A lot of people prefer to drink sodas, coffee, and energy drinks because of the misconception that they will keep them hydrated but it is a wrong notion.

According to Dr Simmons, taking sodas, coffees, and energy drinks will have a subtle fluid reduction effect on you making to enter the bathroom persistently.

While some studies have revealed that caffeinated drinks in balance don’t really lead to dehydration, Dr Simmons advises you to take in double the amount of water, if you decide to consume caffeinated drinks.

Exercise In The Open Or Outside

A lot of people are of the notion that you burn fat when you sweat and because of this, they go outside in the hot weather to exercise but Dr Simmons has a contrary view on this.

She posits that the practice of exercising outdoors is the worst thing one can do. Sweating is a natural way for the body to chill or cool down and water evaporation occurs to reduce the temperature of the body however, it can cause dehydration.

In her view, a person may suffer heat stroke if you step outside to work out because it is nearly impossible to be hydrated under a hot sun. Heat stroke is a condition caused by an increase in the temperature of the body beyond 104 F.

Consuming Huge, Fatty Foods

Consuming large, heavy, and fatty food is not an ideal thing. Eating food leads to a mild rise in the temperature of the body as metabolism hastens.

This would explain why a lot of the time most people feel even hotter after consuming ice cream than they did before the cold treat.

Taking Alcohol

Summer presents the avenue to have a party and be merry. This is mostly characterized by drinking outdoors or in public at a beach or during a picnic.

 Alcohol is a catalyst for dehydration and impedes the ability of the body to control its temperature making you feel warmer.

Men and women who are above the youth bracket and persons with various underlying health conditions should take less alcohol or avoid its consumption totally.

You are advised to make drinking more water a habit.  

Keeping Medicine In The Car

The required space for medicines or health drugs to be kept in the fridge or a cool dark and dry place but you will find people storing their medicine in their cars.

Dr Simmons warns that medications should not be left in a hot environment no matter the circumstances faced.

On a hot day, it can be intensely hot in the car and heat can adversely impact the medicine.

The National Institutes of Health reveals that heat affects the efficacy of the medicine and based on the particular medicine, there may be inflammations in the stomach.

It is advised to not take your tablets or pills if their texture or smell has changed.                            

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